Friday, April 26, 2013




I enter the double doors to this campus building
daily, ignoring the bold black and red decal
the one on every door on every building

at this place of learning

two simple symbols
a red circle with a line through
a black pistol

several of the scopes
locked in my safe at home
look like this circle
quarter turn clockwise, swap red to black
add an extra black line
on every door on every building
at this place of learning

this is not how you teach
this is not best practices
this solves nothing

there should instead be signs
reminders, really
and just the circle
inside the circle:
books, figures holding hands, smiles,
people thinking, loving, learning, living.

on every door, on every building
at this place of learning

[DAY 26 ---- of my poem-a-day experiment. Thanks for reading, commenting, and sharing! Nearly 10,000 hits this month on my poems. That is amazing and humbling!]

1 comment:

  1. Great poem, Don. How did we get so stupid...? As if such a sign has any impact at all on the presence of guns. As if you'd be entering armed, see the sign and think, "Damn, I've got to run back to the car to put my gun away." Same with the "Drug Free Zone" signs. Most who enter don't have drugs on their minds, but they do after seeing the sign. Let's have a reminder of guns and drugs as every public entrance. That's a good idea. About as good as the side effects list in commercials for medications. WTF? Back to the poem... neato! My non-poet friend turned me on to your poem a day. I'll have to back track as I have missed most. (Bobbi Gibson?) Love your blog, Don. BTW, congrats on US publisher for The Raven's Gift. ~ Sandy Kleven
