For Tip #1 I'm going to share a little secret with you about writing. Whether you're one of those committed writers who can put in several hours a day at the computer, or like me, totally manic and write in fevered, spastic, and sporadic bursts, this tip can help.
The truth about the cabin space for me is that when I am there I put myself in a mental space that demands from my brain a special focus and an expectation that I will complete the project at hand. So I don't need the remote cabin to accomplish this, so much as the determination to insist that the time I spend there will be productive.
Essentially, I gear my brain to shift into a mode that tunes out distractions. The solitude of the forest around helps, the silence of the Takotna River at first makes my ears ring as they adjust to a world without the hum of civilization. Then just the clicking of a keyboard might mingle with the raindrops on the metal roofing and I am all but completely immersed in the writing at hand.
Since you don't have the lonely cabin in the woods option, don't be discouraged. What you need to do is find a routine that puts you in that same space. Close your web browser, turn off your phone, and turn off the TV/RADIO/NOISE BOX, and get to work. Perhaps a fan for white noise or just the right music to set the atmosphere. If the distractions are at a minimum then you'll have no choice but to focus. If home is a place that simply won't allow you to find that magic space where writing can happen, then seek it out. Get creative. Try the library. Try a park. Try a cave. Try something.
Find the space that will inspire you to finish one of your projects.
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