Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Honey Bucket Museum

The Honey Bucket Museum

the time had finally arrived
politicians stood with suited smiles
pumping hands and holding giant scissors
the red ribbon waved in the wind

the buckets weren't gone
but that didn't matter

the museum couldn't wait any longer

democracy had finally worked, mostly
just like it had for the Romans
thousands of years earlier,
flowing like their ancient waterworks

these were the men who plumbed Prudoe
no task too small, mostly

the buckets weren't gone
but that didn't matter

there were ribbons that needed cutting

[Final poem for my poem a day madness for National Poetry Month. #30 --- complete!  Thanks to all who read and shared my poems. You have no idea how much your responses fueled me and kept me writing and sharing this month!  Thanks! www.donrearden.com  ]

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