Feel lucky? You could win a Kindle Fire! |
Plus, the eBook dilemma has forced my hand on the 100% guarantee* that I've been giving readers of The Raven's Gift. So far, I've made the wild promise readers will like the book, or I guarantee their money back if it doesn't make good fire-starter! Apparently an iBook or a Kindle doesn't work with the guarantee and my crack shot legal team at Angstman Law and Old Friendly Dog farm, assure me that imaginary fires for digital books won't make for a very successful legal defense.
Enter the Kindle Fire! No need to worry about legal issues about burning books and the need for emergency heat or cooking! The fine folks at Amazon (and their own crackshot legal team) have provided the solution to my worries! eBooks now come with their own fire! (Or at least Kindles have that ability --- perhaps Apple is already working on some version? Perhaps the iFire?)
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Actual burnable copies of The Raven's Gift |
Starting tomorrow --- when The Raven's Gift is released on Kindle and Nook (already available on iBook) I'll be hosting the hottest author giveaway EVER. You'll have your very own chance to win a Kindle Fire and other great prizes!!
But wait!!! There is more!
The Kindle Fire that I give away will also come with a copy of The Raven's Gift AND the winner's choice of FIVE --- you read that correctly FIVE ebooks from the authors who have blurbed the novel. That means you could have a Kindle with your choice of books from great authors like Jodi Picoult, Craig Johnson, Daniel Quinn, Ron Carlson, Jo-Ann Mapson, David Vann, Seth Kantner, Pete Fromm, Bill Streever, Kris Farmen, Leslie Fields, and more!!! (More authors might also add their name to the hat as the giveaway continues!)
But wait!!! There is more!
I'll also be giving away e-editions of my novel and some actual old fashion and totally burnable editions of The Raven's Gift!
So you've read this far --- thanks --- now how do you win? It's simple!!! There are THREE ways to win! You can do ONE or all THREE!
1. Read the first chapter of the book for free on my website.
Then answer the following question: The main characters nearly 1000 mile trek will begin on what river? Send your answer to ravensgift.thebook@gmail.com
2. Post a photo of yourself with your copy of The Raven's Gift on the Facebook page here.
3. Order your Kindle, iBook, or Nook copy of The Raven's Gift and tell your friends and family on your Facebook page, Twitter, or wherever and email a link to your posting at ravensgift.thebook@gmail.com
But wait!!! There will be more ways to win will coming over the coming weeks. I'll draw a winner of the grand prize for the Kindle Fire on August 30th. Books and ebooks will be given away from now until then!
*Water-logged books that have been submerged in floods, boating disasters, or toilets void this warranty.
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