Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Today's Poem: After ANWR

My poem for you today was published in Chronogram and won the Alaska Public Radio Network's poem of the year several years back. I read it on the air, but can't seem to find the link to it.  Enjoy.

Would they drill baby drill here?

After ANWR

Of course no one in New York was excited
when they discovered oil
beneath Central Park.
My strangest Alaskan find in Central Park. Balto?

The various  Natives,
the Manhatten Islanders,
the Bronxers and Harlemites
were concerned about the pigeons
and the bums

their daily migration
from the park to the dumpsters,
they – being the pigeons and the homeless -
would be disturbed by the drilling

The last of the reserves
in Texas
the gulf of Mexico,
and Alaska
had long been sucked dry

the wild horses,  the manatees, and the caribou

They drew a line in the concrete
Central Park was sacred land

There would be no drilling there
not ever
Central Park was sacred land.

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