Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Born On June 25th, 2013 --- Finally!

After nearly about 30 year of dreaming and writing and more dreaming, and five years of hard work and high hopes with a few doubts and frustrations and heart-break thrown in for good measure, The Raven's Gift is legitimately home. Today is PUB day for the novel here in the US with Penguin and Pintail Books.

And I have so many people to thank for this amazing honor, and --- quite honestly --- absolute dream come true. I really would like to list off all those folks I owe such a huge debt of gratitude too, but for fear of leaving just one fine soul out, I'll just slather a huge blanket of thanks to all those involved in helping me get the book home and to all those who believed in the story. From the folks who paid such crazy prices for the bootlegged copies from Canada to the people who signed petitions and mailed them to American publishers and everyone in between. There has literally been a village of people involved in helping me make this dream a reality. You all know who you are and you all better damned well know that I love you and won't ever forget all you've done for me.

This is but a brief post, but today is a special moment
for me, not to mention a gorgeous Alaskan summer day, so I'm getting outside to enjoy the sunshine. Thanks again for all your support!


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