Monday, April 13, 2015

Dear, Son --- about that animal...

Dear Son,

I'm sorry I didn't do more
but I didn't know it was so bad
let me try again

I'm sorry I didn't do anything
but there wasn't anything I could do
let me try again

I'm sorry I couldn't stop it
but they were so far away
let me try again

I'm sorry I didn't fight
but I was so busy
let me try again

I'm sorry I did nothing 
but I wasn't alone
let me try again

I'm sorry we did nothing
but we learned from our fathers 
let me try again

I'm sorry the _______ is gone
but I
let me try again

I'm sorry the ________ is _______
but we

I'm sorry 



[poem #13 for National Poetry Month. Sadly, on this day scientists declared the black Rhino extinct.] 

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