Wednesday, June 22, 2011

To Book Trailer or Not to Trailer? That is the question...

So you've landed a book publishing deal or are self-publishing.  If you're smart (or a smart ass, like myself) you should have already started the social media footwork that is pretty much standard fare in today's publishing world. I don't think that not participating in social media is really an option, unless you just don't care if the world reads your book. In that case, why write it in the first place?  In future posts I'll blog more on what I've done in terms of social media and how it has helped me sell books (and my soul? Just kidding..I hope) and get media attention.  But for today, I want to talk about book trailers.
A year ago I didn't even know what a book trailer was. Nor did I care. Then when I got wind of this idea of people making short films to help sell a book I was pretty skeptical. I didn't actually like the idea of putting images into readers' heads before they had the chance to create that world and those images on their own. But as the book trailer industry picked up a little steam, I wondered if I couldn't use my limited video skills to put together my own trailer, just to see if I could convey some of the ideas from the book for readers who might otherwise not be interested in reading a book from Alaska.  With photos and video from my hometown of Bethel, Alaska, and some creepy music, the trailer basically created itself. I have two versions posted with around a total of thousand hits from Youtube, but from my website the trailer has had thousands of hits and definitely helped sell some books.
Am I sold on the idea of book trailers? As Alaska's richest but perhaps least popular "author" would say, "You Betcha!"

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