Wednesday, April 13, 2016

"Fill in the Blank Legislation"

Don Rearden, UAA Faculty sporting the newest in SeaWolf Body Armor!

 "Fill in the Blank Legislation" (A poem dedicated to Pete Kelly and his fill in the blank ALEC Legislation to allow concealed guns on Alaska campuses.)

_____ began wearing the body armor after our _______ legislators
introduced a piece of _____ bill to allow ______ on campus

students, faculty, and staff began to carry _______
_____ were told the _____ were for our own _______

____ worried a ________ or ______ upset about _______
would walk into class with a _______ and _________

then everyone carrying a ______ would _______
when the police arrived they wouldn't know who was _______

with the body armor ______ felt ________
no one was _______

______ protected the ______ amendment
but not the __________

the university had become a place of _______
________ future _______

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